Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Asian Food Carnival

Helo ~ ! 
Today was so so awesome ! 
Share to you guys , I really really lucky enough. God loves me so much. 
I appreciate what I had now :) 
I'm still in my uni life :D 
My life is fabulous ! 
I have a good boyfriend , he loves me much and I love him too x3 
And , and and ! 
I have a group of crazy sisters !
Crazy , they're abnormal.
They are cute 
They are sweet 
They are noisy 
They are sampat
They have no heart 
They love me 
And they are awesome ! 
They are gorgeous !
But, most of the time we would like to give each other a slap as well =_=

Ok. Let's get into the topic 
Asian Food Carnival! 
This event was held by UTAR Asian Cultural Society.
I'm not the committee in this event.
But this two days, my friends and I kakacaocao in the event :P

This event has yummy food, especially the kimchi Che gea ( I hope I spell in correctly )
One bowl for RM5 , I had spent rm15 for this 2 days , only for the Kim chi soup :) 
So sad that I didn't take the photo down.. 

Last day, we have took part in Hanbok and Yukata photo contest :) 
Trislynn is the one who wearing pink Hanbok ( Korean traditional costume ) 
And Emi is the one who wearing black yukata ( Japanese traditional costume ) 
And I become a guy , woohoo , I'm so man xD 
I'm wearing guy Korean traditional costume :) 

Photo describe thousand words :) 

This photo we get the most likes :)
Thanks to my family and friends who support us !
Especially KeeHong, he's cute ! 

A Panasonic stand fan which worth rm200
and a rm50 cash :)

 We're crazy hahahahaha xD

Kenny, this human saved my phone xD
I'm stupid. I left my phone on the table and i went back home ==
When i reach home only I realized that I had lost my phone. 
Thanks to Facebook, and I contact this human and he found my phone.
So happy ! Thanks Kenny !

This photo :(
this lady, I give her sweets and she took all =_= and give me nothing ..

Haha xD I really love this pic so so much !
My wifes are cute !!

This was the photo that we took on the first day :)

well, Asian Cultural Society, good job ! 
I really enjoyed this event !


  1. oh!! my dear sherry!!! let me become your 1st follower!! muci muci!!

  2. wooohoooo ~ <3
    my pleasure darling !
    muackxx muackxx !!

  3. Nice blog sherry!!!
    Loves to c it...=D

  4. awwww ~ You're here sweetie xD
    Thankieww <3
